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Super Easy Real-time Voting

Conventionally, voting was a really complex system. You needed to understand the concepts of epochs, voting power, decay of voting power, lockup periods, veNFTs, and merging/splitting. Additionally, you had to calculate how to distribute your voting power across multiple pools using estimated APR and the total value of your voting power. This was just insane to repeat every week.

On BladeSwap, voting has simply become farming with fungible ve tokens. Don't calculate yourself; click smart vote, and we'll do the rest.

Voting on other ve(3,3) Dex
Voting on Bladeswap

Must repeat voting every week (Epoch)

No epochs. Only repeat if you want to rebalance the vote weight across pools.

Must repeat voting for each NFTs

No NFTs to iterate

'voting APR' is misleading since the total reward per vote amount is not decided until the end of the epoch.

Rewards are added and distributed in real time. APR is not an 'estimated APR'

Manually calculate best strategy with estimated APR and voting power

Just click Smart Vote and we do it for you

Can't change the vote until next week, even if APR drops on my pool.

Votes can be moved anytime to maximize yield, eventually making voting APR even across all pools.

Last updated